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Series Enhancements

Blaine Garrett's photo
Blaine Garrett
·Jul 24, 2020·

1 min read

I'm enjoying the series concept but it could use some additional features to make it absolutly great.

Suggested enhancements:

  • List Series on the authors blog in some fashion. Currently, the solve for this is a custom page.
  • It is really hard to figure out where to edit details for a series.
  • If an article is part of a series, it would great to add that to the meta info at the top with a link to the series page
  • It would be great if the series page could be optionally ordered by post date ASC for series that have step by step guides (a sequential series).

Minor enhancements:

  • Allow markdown in the series description
  • If an article is part of a series, it would be great to show related articles from that series relative to the position of the article in the series.
  • Similarly, If an article is part of a series, it would be great to have "next" and "prev" cards for sequential series.

Thank you for your consideration.