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The batch verb

The batch verb

Muralidharan's photo
·Mar 13, 2021·

1 min read


The batch verb in the @protocol allows multiple @protocol commands to be sent in a single call to the secondary server. Developers of @pps can leverage the batch feature to send multiple commands, thereby reducing the number of network calls from the device to the secondary server.

1. Usage

1.1 Sample Request

[{"id":1,"command":"update:public:phone@alice +1 111 1111”},
{"id":2,"command":"update:@alice:phone@alice +1 222 2222”},

1.2 Sample Response


2.1 Invalid command in batch

[{"id":1,"command":"update:public:phone@alice +1 111 1111”},

2.2 Sample error response

data:[[{"id":1,"response":{"data":13}}, {"id":2,"response":{"error_code":"AT0003","error_message":"Invalid syntax"}}]

Refer to the BatchVerbHandler to learn more about this verb.

Coming Soon

The batch verb has not yet been exposed in our SDK . We plan to do that soon.