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Tic Tac Toe: Miguel Manalo, Tjolanda Sullivan, Sung Y Kim (CS Prep 30)

miguelmanalo's photo
·Jun 6, 2020
 // //this is the main Tic-Tac-Toe game function that holds the whole game
// //we call it to start the game fresh
function ticTacToe() {

  //this is the logic for an AI that just plays random legal moves
  function randomAI(thisBoard, currPlay) {
      let aiMove = [];
      let checkValid = false;
      let aiXcoord = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);   // returns a random integer from 0 to 2
      let aiYcoord = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);   // returns a random integer from 0 to 2
      //like for humans, this checks whether the move generated is legal or not
      while (checkValid === false){  
        if (thisBoard[aiMove[0]][aiMove[1]] == `X` || thisBoard[aiMove[0]][aiMove[1]] == `O`) {
        aiMove = randomAI(newBoard, currentPlayer);  
      } else {
      return aiMove;

let playerOne;
let playerTwo;
let currentPlayer;
let player = playerOne;

//this runs if the palyer doesn't wanna play against the CPU
function vsHuman () {
  playerOne=prompt('Player One, enter your name: ');//ask playerOne their name
  //playerOne+=" is X:";//add this info to name
  playerTwo = prompt('Player Two, enter your name: ');//same as with playerOne
  //playerTwo += " is O:";
  player= playerOne//must initialize a value for the first turn
    console.log(`   0 1 2 `);
    console.log(`  _______`);
    console.log(`0|  , ,  |`);
    console.log(`1|  , ,  |`);
    console.log(`2|  , ,  |`);
    console.log(`  _______`);

//this makes a fresh board 
const makeBoard = () => {
    return [[` `, ` `, ` `], [` `, ` `, ` `], [` `, ` `, ` `]];
let newBoard = makeBoard();  

//this is the first line that the user sees
alert(`Welcome to Tic-Tac-Toe by Tjolanda Sullivan, Sung Y Kim, and Miguel Manalo`)
//this lets the user choose between 2 player or against the CPU
let gameType = confirm(`Do you want to play against the CPU?`)
if (gameType === true) {
playerOne = prompt('Player One, enter your name: ');//ask playerOne their name
//playerOne+=" is X:";//add this info to name

playerTwo = "CPU is O:";
player = playerOne//must initialize a value for the first turn
    console.log(`   0 1 2 `);
    console.log(`  _______`);
    console.log(`0|  , ,  |`);
    console.log(`1|  , ,  |`);
    console.log(`2|  , ,  |`);
    console.log(`  _______`);

} else {

//this is our board renderer it receives the output of makeBoard
  const coolBoard = (board, coord) => {
    let tempArray = board;
    tempArray[coord[0]][coord[1]] = currentPlayer;
    console.log(`   0 1 2 `);
    console.log(`  _______`);
    console.log(`0| ${tempArray[0]} |`);
    console.log(`1| ${tempArray[1]} |`);
    console.log(`2| ${tempArray[2]} |`);
    console.log(`  _______`);
    return tempArray;
// getMove gets the turn the player wants to make
  function getMove() {
    //get the move in two parts: x and y coordinates
      let playerMove = [];
      let playerXcoord = null;
      let playerYcoord = null;
      alert(`\n${player}, it's your turn now.\nYou are ${currentPlayer}\n`);
  //this sanitizes player input at the Y coordinate level I'm sorry I named things this way
      function xMove() {
        playerXcoord = prompt(`${player}, enter your Y-coordinate of 0, 1, or 2`);
        while (playerXcoord != 0 || playerXcoord != 1 || playerXcoord != 2 || playerXcoord == null){
        switch (playerXcoord) {
        case '0':
        case '1':
        case '2':
        case 0:
        case 1:
        case 2:
          return playerXcoord;
          console.log(playerXcoord, `playerYcoord`)
          console.log(`Invalid move. Please enter 0, 1, or 2`);
          playerXcoord = null;
          playerXcoord = prompt(
          `${player} enter your Y-coordinate of 0, 1, or 2`);
//this sanitizes player input at the X coordinate I'm sorry I named things this way
      function yMove() {
        playerYcoord = prompt(`${player}, enter your X-coordinate of 0, 1, or 2`);
        while (playerYcoord != 0 || playerYcoord != 1 || playerYcoord != 2 || playerYcoord == null){
        switch (playerYcoord) {
        case '0':
        case '1':
        case '2':
        case 0:
        case 1:
        case 2:
          return playerYcoord;
          console.log(playerYcoord, `playerXcoord`)
          console.log(`Invalid move. Please enter 0, 1, or 2`);
          playerYcoord = null;
          playerYcoord = prompt(
          `${player} enter your X-coordinate of 0, 1, or 2`);
    xMove(); //returns playerXcoord
    console.log(playerMove, `is your Y-coordinate`);
    yMove(); //returns playerYcoord
    console.log(`Your move is `, playerMove, `\n`);
    //pass playerMove to isValidMove
    return playerMove;
function isValidMove(currBoard, currMove) {
  //takes in attemptedMove and lets it thru if its OK
  //takes in current state of Board
  //restarts getMove() if not OK
  //if the attempted move in the array is NOT empty space
  //then it's invalid
  let checkValid=false
//this while loops ensures that no matter how many times the player enters an invalid move it will always ask for a valid entry until it gets a legal move  
//when it does get a valid entry, checkValid is true and exits loop
  while (checkValid===false){  
  if (currBoard[currMove[0]][currMove[1]] == `X` || currBoard[currMove[0]][currMove[1]] == `O`) {
      console.log(`Invalid move, please enter a new move`);
    } else {
 return currMove;
//this checks for winners and prints win statement
function checkResult (result, playerName) {
  let userPlay;
  if (result === true) {
    console.log(`\nHooray! ${playerName} won the game!`);
    console.log(`Thank you for playing! \nThis version of Tic-Tac-Toe was brought to you by: \nTjolanda Sullivan, Sung Y Kim, Miguel Manalo \n\n░░░░░░░░░░░░▄▄░░░░░░░░░
idea:… \nASCII art:…\n`)
  userPlay = confirm(`Do you want to play again?`);
    return userPlay;
   else if (result === `Draw`) {
    console.log(`It's a tie. Thanks for playing! \nThis version of Tic-Tac-Toe was brought to you by: \nTjolanda Sullivan, Sung Y Kim, Miguel Manalo \n\nidea:… t/\n`);
    userPlay = confirm(`Do you want to play again?`);
    return userPlay;

  const check_winner = (board) => {
  let resultList = {
    var1: 'OOO',
    var2: 'XXX'
  //horizontal result
  for(let i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
    let tempString = board[i][0] + board[i][1] + board[i][2];
    if(tempString === resultList.var1 && board[i][0] === currentPlayer) {
      return true;
    } else if(tempString === resultList.var2 && board[i][0] === currentPlayer) {
      return true;
    } else {}
  //vertical result
  for(let j = 0; j < board.length; j++) {
    let tempString = board[0][j] + board[1][j] + board[2][j];
    if(tempString === resultList.var1 && board[0][j] === currentPlayer) {
      return true;
    } else if(tempString === resultList.var2 && board[0][j] === currentPlayer) {
      return true;
    } else {}
  //diagonal result
  let diaResult1 = board[0][0] + board[1][1] + board[2][2];
  let diaResult2 = board[2][0] + board[1][1] + board[0][2];
  if(diaResult1 === resultList.var1 && board[1][1] === currentPlayer) {
      return true;
  } else if(diaResult1 === resultList.var2 && board[1][1] === currentPlayer){
      return true;
  } else {}
  if(diaResult2 === resultList.var1 && board[1][1] === currentPlayer) {
      return true;
  } else if(diaResult2 === resultList.var2 && board[1][1] === currentPlayer){
      return true;
  } else {}
  //check if all the slots are full in the tic-tac-toe board
  let valueCounter = 0;
  for(let k = 0; k < board.length; k++) {
    for(let l = 0; l < board.length; l++) {
      if(board[k][l] !== ` `) {
  if(valueCounter === 9) {
    return 'Draw';
  //if none is returned, the makeBoard keeps going
  return false;
//initialize these so they're global
let checkMove;
let nowMove;
//this is the bulk of the game
const makeMove = (prevBoard, playMove)=> {
  let playerInput = coolBoard(prevBoard, playMove);
  return playerInput;
  for (let i = 1; i < 10; i += 1) {
    let result; 
    if (i % 2 === 0) {
      currentPlayer = 'O';
      if (gameType === true) {
        checkMove = randomAI(newBoard, currentPlayer);
      } else {
      checkMove = getMove();
      nowMove = isValidMove(newBoard, checkMove);
      newBoard = makeMove(newBoard, nowMove);
      result = check_winner(newBoard);
      let decision = checkResult(result, player);
      player = playerOne;
      if (decision == true) {
      } else if (decision == false) {
        console.log(`Thanks again! Goodbye!`)
  } else {
      currentPlayer = 'X';
      checkMove = getMove();
      nowMove = isValidMove(newBoard, checkMove);
      newBoard = makeMove(newBoard, nowMove);
      result = check_winner(newBoard);
      let decision = checkResult(result, player);
      player = playerTwo;
      if (decision == true) {
      } else if (decision == false) {
        console.log(`Thanks again! Goodbye!`)

//for refactoring
//206: recursion instead of for loop
//in check_winner do functional programming instead of for loops
//big O notation
//for loops : n^2(O)

//stuff we'd add
//play against the CPU
  //Left to do
  //validating moves - overwriting a taken space
  //validating player input - someone writes 'fart', 9
  //checking for winners - play again?
  //checking for ties
  //make player 1 and player 2
  //credits with our names, URL for game idea
  //fancy stuff
  //let players choose X/O
  //play again prompt
  //give up?
  //winner art
  //refining it
  //computer AI
  //this constantly checks for winners every turn