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Top 7 PHP Security Tips to Protect a Website

Top 7 PHP Security Tips to Protect a Website

Colin Rooney's photo
Colin Rooney
·Jan 24, 2022·

4 min read

Worldwide, the most used server-side web programming language is PHP. Moreover, the language, being the backbone for almost each website, thus, security at any cost shouldn’t be considered negligible. PHP developers, however, have the privilege to avoid common threats, such as SQL injections, pampering of data, and cross-site request forgery.

Best Security Practices for Every PHP Developer

1. Be Careful of Cross-Site Scripting or XSS attacks

XSS, or cross-site scripting refers to the unintentional remote code execution of a web application. For example, when a web app receives user input and immediately inputs it on the web page, an XSS attack may happen. When an unscrupulous individual inserts JavaScript, HTML, or even CSS into a web app, the remote code is executed.

Intruders could inject any kind of client-side code into an existing app code without giving any hint whatsoever. During an XSS attack, hackers replace the original website code that serves as an actual code disrupting the site’s performance, and usually steals data. Intruders bypass the website’s access control, uploaded files, history, directory structure, URL parameters, specific directory structure, enable cookies, and other critical functions.

2. Utilizing HTTPS Protocols

A consumer may look for the HTTPS and green lock image in the browser tab each time he/she enters some sensitive data and information into a website. In the browser bar, the five letters seen are a vital shorthand for hacker security. It furthermore means that providing financial information on the web page is safe.
SSL certificates are important since they help secure information transfer, including credit cards, contact information, and more between the website and the server.

Moreover, the SSL certificate is vital for each and every eCommerce website, and recently, having one has become essential for all websites. More than ever, searching engines these days are taking web app security more seriously because they want a safe web browsing experience for potential users.

3. Preventing SQL Injection Attacks

The database, as we all know, is one of the major components of an app. This kind of attack makes use of specific UPL parameters to access the database and do illegal activities, including data modification, queries, altering fields, and deleting the whole app database.

To overcome these challenges, using parameterized queries to substitute the arguments properly before SQL query execution is highly recommended. These practices help secure queries. Nevertheless, see to it that it makes them structured for efficient processing.

4. Keep the website platform and software updated.

This may seem preposterous, but updating the software daily for security reasons is important, thus it deserves to be part of the top PHP best security practices. PHP developers should make sure to use the latest version of plugins, content management systems, operating systems, and software to keep a website safe from web attacks. An outdated software is more vulnerable to hacking and security threats.

Software update and using the latest OS version allows the reputed managed hosting service to keep secure. If the PHP developer utilizes a managed hosting solution, there’s no problem about applying security updates because the hosting service provider will handle this.

5. Binding the IP Address using the Session ID

Session hijacking happens when a hacker steals the session ID of the visitor secretly. The ID is then sent to the server, where the session array validates the storage in the stack. The hacker, at this point, will have access to the web app. Session hijacking could occur through an XSS attack, or when an agent gains entry into the directory in which session data is stored.

For this to not happen, it’s recommended to bind the session ID to other user properties or clients. If there are changes detected by the web app in the middle of an established session, it indicates strongly that a third party is trying to seize the session. You can then act to protect the website and your visitors. You can, for instance, terminate the suspicious sessions.

6. Hide all Production Errors

When building and testing a website, error messages are vital. The messages could provide valuable information about any issues with the website, which could help resolve issues in a more efficient way. Moreover, error notifications could highlight subtle issues you may not have otherwise noticed.

Hackers, unfortunately, could make error messages as a weapon against you. A cybercriminal could use the contained information within them to learn more about the website and identify any loopholes in security that they could exploit. That’s why it's important to hide error messages when deploying a site on a live server.

7. Using Security Tools

Finally, when you’re done with everything to boost your website security by adhering the above-mentioned tips, it's’ time to test the website security. There are different quality tools that web developers could use. Moreover, the security tools mimic hacking activities for the website’s security mechanism. There are some free testing tools that you can use to secure any PHP website, such as the following:

Wrapping Up

A top-notch PHP development company that adheres to the security best practices could help your brand develop secure PHP web apps.