Level 0 :- Baby Phase
Basics Concepts Of JavaScript
To understand the Syntax :-
This phase aims at syntax’s and basic nature of JavaScript. To understand a syntax pick a video course that you can easily pick the syntax’s & Read these books (only to understand the basic nature of JavaScript) :-
JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development — By Jon Duckett {{ *** }}
JavaScript: The Good Parts —By Douglas Crockford {{ ** }}
For Video Courses :- Complete Beginner Level of JavaScript on PluralSight(Most Popular){{ But it is costly for monthly subscription }} or pick another online video courses that we have mention in this article.
To Understand The Basic Concepts Deeply :-
Topics : Basics Concepts of JavaScript like Variables, Types, Loops, Functions, Arrays,Templates Strings & etc (all the basics concepts of JavaScript language)
- Books
Star represents the highly recommended books
- Speaking JavaScript — An-in-depth guide for programmer’s — By Dr. Axel Rauschmayer {{***}}
- JavaScript for impatient programmers — By Dr.Axel Rauschmayer {{***}}
( great book for basic concepts & exclude advanced concepts for level 1 ) You-don’t-know-Js —By Kyle Simpson {{***}}
( For Level 0 Ydkj- Up & Going, Types & Grammer,
For Level 1 Ydkj- ES6 & Beyond, Scopes & Closures,This & Object Prototypes, Async and Performance )Exploring ES-2015, 16, 17, 18 —By Dr. Axel Rauschmayer {{ ** }}
(Cover topics according to level)- Eloquent JavaScript —By Marjin Haverbeke {{ ** }}
(Cover Chapter 1–5 for Level 0 & Remaining Chapters are for next level ) - JavaScript CookBook — By Shelley Powers {{\*}} (This book has very simplified answers to the most complex questions of JavaScript)
- JavaScript: The Definitive Guide By David Flanagan {{ ** }}
- JavaScript Enlightenment — By Cody Lindley ( Cover Chapter 1–5 for Level 0 & Remaining Chapters are for next level )
- Video Tutorials
Some of the video tutorials covers both Level 0 and Level 1
- ES6 For Everyone — The best way to learn Modern JavaScript — By WesBos {{***}}
- JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts — By Anthony Alicea {{***}}
- The Complete JavaScript Course 2019: Build Real Projects! — Jonas Schmedtmann {{***}}
- ES6 Javascript: The Complete Developer’s Guide — By Stephen Grider {{**}}
- Websites(for Reference)
- JavaScript | MDN ( Mozilla Developer Network ) {{**}}
- The Modern Javascript Tutorial
- Websites(for Exercise/Practice)
- CoderByte (Costly: $150 per/year)
- FreeCodeCamp (free)
- LeetCode (Costly: $150 per/year)
- Exercism (free)
- WebTrainingCenter (free)
- Mega Project List ( karan/Projects: 100 Projects For JavaScript)
- Pramp (free)
- JavaScript-Geek4geek (free)
Level 1 : Child Phase
Advanced concepts of JavaScript Topics : DOM, Scopes & Closures, Async/Await, Callback, Maps, Objects in deep, Promises, Garbage Collection, Proxies, Generators, Sets, Code Quality & Some other advanced concepts.
- Books
- Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja — By John Resig and Bear Bibeault
- Programming JavaScript Applications —By Eric Elliot {{***}}
- DOM Enlightenment — By Cody Lindley {{**}}
- JavaScript & DOM Tips, Tricks, and Techniques —By Louis Lazaris {{***}}
- DOMscripting —By Jeremy Keith {{***}}
- Professional JavaScript for Web Developers—By Nicholas C. Zakas {{***}}
- High Performance JavaScript: Build Faster Web Application Interfaces —By Nicholas C. Zakas {{***}}
- Pro JavaScript Performance: Monitoring and Visualization —By Tom Barker {{**}}
- _JavaScript_Challenges_Book_ — By tcorral {{**}}
- Effective JavaScript: 68 Specific Ways to Harness the Power of JavaScript —By David Herman {{*}}
- Video Tutorials
- Advanced JavaScript— By Assim Hussain {{**}}
- Full JavaScript & Es6 Tutorials — ( Including Es7 & React ) By Joseph Katz {{***}}
- Clean Code: Writing Code For Humans — By Cory House {{***}}
Level 2 : Teenage Phase
JavaScript Best Practices and Design Patterns Topics: Object Oriented JavaScript(OOPS), Functional Programming(FP), Asynchronous JavaScript(AJAX), JavaScript Best Practices, JavaScript Design Patterns & Data Structures using JavaScript.
- Books & References
- The Principles of Object-Oriented JavaScript —By Nicholas C.Zakas {{***}}
- Learning JavaScript Design Patterns— By Addy Osmani {{***}}
- Test-Driven JavaScript Development
- JavaScript Patterns — By Stoyan Stefanov
- Object-Oriented-JavaScript— By Stoyan Stefanov
- Introduction to Functional Programming: JavaScript Paradigms - By Avi Aryan
- Video Tutorials
- Advanced-Js-Custom-Charts— By Shirley Wu {{***}}
- Pluralsight Advanced JS {{***}}
- JavaScript Design Patterns 20 Patterns for Expert Code — By Packt Publication
- Hardcore Functional Programming in JavaScript— By Brian Lonsdorf
- Javascript for Pentesters — By Pentesters Academy
- Design Pattern Library— Pluralsight {{***}}
- Object-oriented Programming in JavaScript - By Mosh Hamedani
Note : Read Best Practices From Diff Developers
Level 3 : Adult Phase
Choose Framework according to your need.
For Front-end — Angular.js , React.Js , Vue.Js .
For Back-end — Node.Js, Express.Js.
Database — MongoDB, PostgreSQL.
Other — Gulp.Js, Web-pack, Use of Diff Libraries
Other Resources For JavaScript Developers :
Websites & GitHub Repositories which are important for JS programmers.
- mbeaudru/modern-js-cheatsheet {{ CheetSheet for JavaScript }}.
- micromata/awesome-javascript-learning {{ A tiny list limited to the best JavaScript Learning Resources }}.
- Free JavaScript book Library {{ revolunet/JSbooks }}.
- State of JavaScript {{ State of Javascript }}.
- trekhleb/javascript-algorithms {{ Javascripts algorithms }} .
- 13 Games in ≤ 13kB of JavaScript · js13kGames 2018 {{ Games with JavaScript }} .
- 30-seconds/30-seconds-of-code {{ A curated collection of useful JavaScript snippets that you can understand in 30 seconds or less }}.
- dypsilon/frontend-dev-bookmarks {{ Manually curated collection of resources for frontend web developers. }}.
- sorrycc/awesome-javascript {{ A collection of awesome browser-side JavaScript libraries, resources and shiny things }} .
- SuperHero.js {{ Website with full of Resources }} .
- jnv/lists {{ The definitive list of lists (of lists) curated on GitHub }} .
- Archive for the ‘JavaScript’ Category {{ Articles for JavaScript }} .
- redom/redom {{ Tiny (2 KB) turboboosted JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. }} .
- ericdouglas/ES6-Learning {{ List of resources to learn ECMAScript 6! }} .
- mtdvio/every-programmer-should-know {{ A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know }} .
- JavaScript Operator Precedence and Associativity Table.
- leonardomso/33-js-concepts {{ 33 concepts every JavaScript developer should know }} .
Lastly, You are requested to share your views on this article and also share the resources such as Books,Websites & Tutorials which you use for Practice JavaScript.
Your Brief would help many more programmers. :)