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Unblock Your Website URL on Facebook Under 12 Hours

Unblock Your Website URL on Facebook Under 12 Hours

Kings Amalaego's photo
Kings Amalaego
·Sep 27, 2020·

7 min read

I know you are reading this now because your website was blocked on Facebook. Oh well i have been there and done that so i understand exactly how it feels to get website blocked by Facebook; But do not worry because you will definitely get your problem resolved after reading this tutorial. Let me tell you... When Facebook blocked my website URL, It was a horrible experience for me because i tried a lot of things to get my website URL back on Facebook again but nothing seem to work for me. Infact all hope for me seems to be lost until i tried something abstractly different.

unblock my site.png What if i told you to stop wasting your time because i will show you a top secret that will get your website URL unblocked on Facebook under 12 hours to 24 hours? Seriously i was laughing out loud when i found out this fast and easy solution because i have wasted so much time and money looking for who will help me unblock my URL which ended up not working for me. Until i found what works to unblock domain on Facebook, there was the doubts, frustration and nightmares of losing traffics from social media, oh well i have been there so I understand whatever thing is going through your mind right now. On this guide i am going to show you how the whole process works, but showing you how to unblock your website URL without letting you know why your domain got blocked on Facebook is wrong! yes, absolutely wrong!! so keep reading while i share some of the most common reasons your website got blocked on the Facebook platform. Unblock my website on Facebook

Avoid Spam Before now, if you do not know that Facebook detest spam then you must be a complete novice (No offence) Facebook hate spam! and who doesn't? whatever you are doing with the Facebook platform, just be careful and avoid using Facebook in a way that will look as if you are spamming on the Platform. It is a platform to grow yourself and engage with fans, brand and grow community - It is not a Platform for you to start showing your spamming skills.

Here are some actions that look like spam to Facebook Sharing a link too quickly on the Facebook platform is considered as spam. it may be on your newsfeed, someone else newsfeed, Facebook groups, Pages or comment box and it does not matter what type of link you are sharing; once you perform the action too quickly just know that it is not acceptable by Facebook and also sending numerous people especially strangers private message with a link to your blog is also considered as spam. The link you are sharing might be a link to your blog, website or online shop - Facebook does not care what type of link it is, you will get block if you go against there spam policy.

Explicit, Vulgar and Prohibited Contents If you want to avoid getting blocked by the Facebook Platform, avoid hosting or posting explicit contents on your website. And when i mean explicit contents, this includes vulgar contents, pornography, Alcohol, Indian hemp, infact Facebook frowns at hard drugs

Although in some cases, Facebook can mistaken bottled products to hard drugs.. Don't worry and keep reading, the solution you seek is here.

Threats, Fraud and Deceit In there continued effort to make Facebook a safe place for everyone, the platform frowns at actions considered as threats, fraud or deceptions. So if you are deliberately threatening people, deceiving people to gain an unfair advantage or deprive another of money, property, or legal rights. Just know that Facebook frowns so much at this things. Do not encourage such actions on the post you make on your website or contents you put up on your website because you will get banned, definitely.

Be Authentic Facebook wants to make sure that all contents posted on there platform are genuine, one of the major reasons they have to employ the help of facts checkers. What this means for you as a blogger, especially news blogger is; watch the news you share on Facebook and if you are not sure the news or story is true please do not share it at all.

While this are the common reasons Facebook block URL, we understand that sometimes Facebook block websites by mistake as the whole process are handled by the Facebook AI which is the Facebook's Artificial Intelligence so the tool is far from being perfect.

I can show you a DIY guide on how to unblock your website on Facebook via:

  1. Multiple Complaint Request
  2. Facebook Debug Tool
  3. A Superfast method (takes an hour to 24 hours to unblock most times) So here's exactly how i was able to unblock my domain on Facebook under 24 hours