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Use this Tailwind CSS Cheat Sheet to speed up your development process

Use this Tailwind CSS Cheat Sheet to speed up your development process

Zoltán Szőgyényi's photo
Zoltán Szőgyényi
·Dec 7, 2021·

1 min read

I've been working on the past few days on cheat sheet tool for Tailwind CSS that you can use to search for the utility-classes from the framework from a single page.

Tailwind CSS Cheat Sheet

Although I would still recommend using the official documentation when working with Tailwind CSS, having a searchable single page where you can quickly find the utility-classes can speed up your development process even more.

This cheat sheet tools includes all of the utility-classes from the latest stable version of Tailwind CSS and as soon as v3.0 becomes stable I'll update the contents to include the JIT features as well.

Check it out here.