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What Programming Language do I Start with?

steve's photo
·Dec 1, 2021·

4 min read

So you've entered the world of programming and want to ensure that you start off on the right foot. Here's the thing: even if you start on the left foot, you'll end up going in the right direction ;)

Here I'll talk about the various options that are available for you so you can make your own decision.

If you want to start immediately and cannot wait, start with Python.

Slightly Complex Languages Languages like C, C++, and Rust are a little complex. They give you more control over the intricate details of the program and the computer itself. situs slot deposit pulsa tanpa potongan Having more control might seem like a good thing, but it can get complicated quite fast. Even if that isn't an issue, be aware that these languages are a little hard to understand and write. It takes a while to get used to it.

Some people start with C and C++ and become great programmers, but I still think initially it's a little too harsh. You are subjected to a lot at once: harder syntax, more control, and learning fundamental programming concepts themselves (which is the most important part when you're starting out).

Applications of low-level languages are limited. They take time to write but their performance is the best among all languages. These languages are mostly used in developing complex programs where performance is of the utmost importance.

Simpler Languages Languages like Python, JavaScript, and Go are simpler languages. They give you lesser control over the small details. They are also usually easy and quick to write. They are not as performant as the low-level languages, but they are good enough to develop a wide variety of applications.

These languages are great to start with because:

You can quickly start developing useful software You don't have to worry about the code itself, it is easy to understand and you can focus only on developing your programming skills They are easy to stick with because you will be much less frustrated It won't matter which language you start with Yes, you read that right. Over the long run, it is not going to matter which language you start with.

As you learn more and more about the world of programming, software development, and computer science, you will be clearer about what you want to learn. As you try out different things, you will inevitably dip your toes into various languages.

Moreover, almost every programming language has the same core set of functionalities. The only differences are in how they are implemented internally, the language's code itself, and the language's nuances.

For every language you learn, the next one will be easier.

Why I suggest starting with Python Python code is extremely easy to read. When you don't have to fuss over the code and the intricate details, you can focus on the actual program. This is especially important in the initial stages where you are developing your programming logic.

Python is also widely used in a lot of fields. I'm sure you'll find something fun to do with it very quickly.

"Why not JavaScript or Go?" While I use JavaScript myself daily, I wouldn't recommend it.

For one, Python has simpler code than JavaScript. JavaScript is also focused more on the domain of web development and it's easy to get into web development with it. Python is a lot more general and you can explore the various domains in software a little more freely. JavaScript also has some tiny problems at the fundamental level (they are mostly not an issue in the real world, mostly) which is better to not see during the learning phase.

Switching from Python to JavaScript is extremely easy. Both languages' code is extremely similar.

The issue is similar with Go. It is slightly more complicated than JavaScript and has some issues internally.

If you had to choose between JavaScript and Go, choose JavaScript.

Some more tips to move on from here Don't focus on mastering the language.

Learn the basics of a language (and programming in general) then start building small programs and software.

You'll learn the most when you are building things. It'll give you exposure to the real world of software. You also don't want to be chained to a language mentally. As you explore the various domains of software, you'll explore the different languages.