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What's Redefining ERP In 2021?

Joseph's photo
·Dec 9, 2021·

4 min read

What's Redefining ERP In 2021?

The covid-19 pandemic has hastened the digital transformation within businesses significantly. Today technology has become part and parcel of our everyday lives, and we are spending most of our time online sitting in front of a screen thanks to the shift towards working from remote locations.

This has further increased the rate of ERP implementation among organizations because there is no better alternative to ensure increased efficiency with seamless collaboration. Even enterprise resource planning solutions are evolving exponentially to meet the increasing demands of the ever-changing business environment. Therefore, let us look at some of the most notable aspects that are redefining ERP software in 2021.

The Next Phase Of ERP!

  • Automation: The changing business environment of the modern age demands a lot of efficiency and agility from businesses. Conventionally running a company will not work any longer for a straightforward reason: increased competition. Therefore, businesses turn to ERP solutions to get the agility, efficiency, accuracy, and increased productivity needed.

  • ERP solutions today are leveraging advanced technologies to help businesses automate different business processes and improve the organization’s overall efficiency as a whole. ERP systems leverage their competencies to automate repetitive tasks such as data entry enabling the workforce to focus on more value-driven tasks that genuinely require human ingenuity.

  • Integration: The other aspect revolutionizing ERP systems is integration. It is no secret that almost every business operating in the current environment generates data that might be related to customers, partners, or even employees. This helps them augment different business processes and ensure better results.

  • One common aspect shared by most ERP systems today is increased integration with different solutions within an organization. This helps businesses facilitate seamless access to all business data so that employees do not waste time fetching data from one department to the other. This shows that enhanced integration is changing ERP systems for good.

  • Real-Time Operations: When we combine all the latest competencies that one can find in an ERP solution, this will certainly boost the efficiency of different business operations. We can ask any ERP consultant, and they will all suggest we go for an ERP solution that will contribute towards boosting the efficiency of businesses.

  • This indicates that all the ERP solutions combine all their competencies with advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to ensure that all business operations are carried out in real-time or at least in near real-time. This has now become a defining aspect of modern-day ERP solutions.

  • Simplified Customization: The other notable redefining trait of ERP solutions in the present day is the ability to customize these solutions based on the unique requirements of the business and industry as a whole. Almost every ERP vendor is providing ERP solutions that can be readily customized because different companies from different sectors have their unique requirements.

  • The only way to ensure that an ERP solution fits the needs of the business is through customization. The increasing demand for customization in ERP solutions is compelling every ERP vendor to ensure that their solutions are highly customizable.

  • Advanced Technologies: The other defining characteristic of ERP solutions in 2021 is undoubtedly ERP solutions leveraging the capabilities of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Currently, no one is a stranger to the capabilities of these technologies because they are all intertwined with our daily lives.

  • ERP solutions are leveraging these technologies to make better sense of the data generated by enhanced integration. Organizations need their ERP solutions to be equipped with such advanced technologies as it helps them create better analytics and insights to drive better decision-making and boost outcomes.

  • User Interface: As we are spending so much time in front of the screens, it has become imperative that ERP solutions feature appealing user interfaces (UI). Further, this helps organizations save on training costs and enjoy a much professional appearance of their ERP solutions. Therefore, it is no longer only about speed and efficiency, but the changing demands have compelled ERP vendors to pay more attention to the user interface.

Concluding Thoughts!

There is no debate that ERP solutions have become core to the functioning of different organizations. Therefore businesses need their control ERP systems tailored and managed to suit their unique requirements. This is the main reason driving the revolutionization of ERP solutions in every aspect possible.