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When you are new to programming language :)

Shweta's photo
·Apr 21, 2021·

2 min read

When you are new to programming language :)

Starting learning a new language is not a difficult job but once you start going into the deep of the language it will be fun and interesting. I Started learning Java, at first understanding Oops concept was difficult for me because I was new to the concept of object and class and had been a C programmer but once I understand the concept it become easy for me to learn the java and understand the code. Start from the basics. Get familiar with the syntax when declaring variables, decision structures (if-else statements), loops, functions, among other essential programming concepts. Beating learning curves can be really hard. You need time, consistency and focus to get there. Don't give up because you may be closer than you think. Slowly slowly increase the peak by solving many questions and understanding the concepts. There are a lot of website like HackerRank, Codechef, LeetCode which will help you to reach the fluency in the language. For beginner's I would recommend HackerRank then with time shift to Codechef. These websites helps me a lot and still learning from these. You'll learn more about the syntax, libraries and logic. If you are stuck, ask for help. There's a lot of resources out there. You should explore as much as you can in the field of coding, teach yourself. As it is said, “Practice makes a man perfect”. Keep practicing what you have learned as it will make you better and better. Most important don't give up.