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Devansh Nigam's photo

Undergrad | Coding | MERN | Open to work 👨‍💻

1 Follower3 Following
Member Since Jun, 2023

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About Me

Hello there! I'm a 22-year-old Backend developer studying towards a Bachelor's degree in Technology. I absolutely love writing blogs where I can share my thoughts and ideas, especially when it comes to the ever-changing world of JavaScript and its many libraries. I'm always excited to learn and keep up with the latest developments in this fast-paced field, so I can create informative and interesting content for others to enjoy.

My Tech Stack

Node.jsTypeScriptExpress.jsDockernginxMongoDBprismaShow all

I am available for

Looking to contribute to open-source projects, apply programming skills, and gain practical experience. Always Open to leads and prospects.

Recent Activity

Aug 11 2023

Wrote an article

Jul 12 2023
