About Me
My journey as a self-taught developer began with a burning curiosity. Growing up in Uganda, where resources were scarce, I couldn't afford a formal education. Instead, I relied on handwritten notes from friends and online tutorials.
As time went on, I got good at building websites for local businesses, each project proving my self-taught skills.
But my dream of joining a major tech company seemed unreachable. Rejections piled up, all due to my academic background and self-doubt crept in.
Then, a turning point. A friend I had shared my knowledge with landed a job at a promising startup in Kampala. He believed in me and recommended me. For five years now, I've been working remotely for that very company. They saw the potential in passionate, self-taught talent.
But my heart is saddened by the millions in Uganda and the world facing the same challenges.
That's why I am sharing my knowledge on this platform and other social platforms.
My expertise is in PHP, JavaScript, WordPress, Technical Writing and business leadership.
If you want to learn from me or collaborate, consider to follow or send me a on X.com/davidofug
I am available for
- WordPress Technical Writing - WordPress Training
Recent Activity
Dec 19
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Aug 5 2023
Aug 3 2023
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Jan 23 2023