About Me
- Fullstack developer from 2015 to till date.
- Backend: Java, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Hibernate, NodeJs and ExpressJs.
- Frontend: ReactJs, ReduxJs, Bootstrap and Material UI.
- Cloud Technology: AWS (Lamba, Gateway, S3, EC2, IAM, Kinesis, SQS, SNS, IOT, Glue, Cloud Watch.. few more).
- Microservices tools: Docker, Docker compose, Hashicorp consul and Hashicorp vault.
- Database: MySQL, MongoDB and Redis.
- Monitoring tools: Micrometre, Grafana, Prometheus, cloud watch and ELK stack.
- Testing tools: For Java (JUnit 5, Mockito, Cucumber) and For NodeJs and ReactJs(MochaJs, ChaiJs, JustJs, testing-library/react).
- Static code analysis tools: For Java(Sonar Cube, Sonar lint) and For NodeJs and ReactJs (EsLint, prettier).
- Repository/ CI CD tools: Bitbucket, GitHub, Source Tree, git client and Jenkins, AWS( Code comment, Code Build, Code Deployee).
- Agile tools: Jira and Confluence.
- Development methodologies: having knowledge of BDD and TDD
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