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Chris Chapman


Matt Conway
Matt Conway
Oct 4, 2023

Excellent articles - thank you! I love the "Pseudoscience UX Methods" tag you have here, making me think you have more articles planned.

NPS next? :)

·2 replies
Chris Chapman
Chris Chapman
·Oct 4, 2023

Thanks, Matt! Maybe NPS or maybe personas :)

Although perhaps first a reflection on why I am very reluctant to be critical of methods ... and why I don't recommend it to folks new to the field. Everyone works again with everyone in UX!

Matt Conway
Matt Conway
Oct 4, 2023

Chris Chapman Personas would be a fine addition to the tagged collection, for sure. Too much emphasis placed on the fake bios and never (or rarely) enough research to really make them good decision-support tools.

Behavioral archetypes are pretty useful even though they look/feel a bit like personas.

I look forward to whatever comes next - thanks!
