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Hashnode for Enterprise
Case Study: MindsDB

MindsDB blog: How Headless Hashnode reduced development time

Founded by Adam Carrigan and Jorge Torres, MindsDB is an open source company with a mission to democratize Machine Learning. It is an AI platform that streamlines the integration of AI into projects.

They wanted to build a dedicated company blog, in order to add more content that helps in developer education. Running a startup with a small team means knowing how to make the maximum impact with less human resources, time and money and they achieved it with Headless Hashnode.

The MindsDB team had two major problems that no existing Headless CMS solutions could solve.

Those were:
  • An intuitive editor
  • Ability to easily customize the front-end design of the blog website

Headless Hashnode was built with one guiding philosophy: giving developers and enterprises full control over their own data.

We achieved it by adding:
  1. The ability to host their blog on a subpath like company.com/blog.
  2. The ability to fully customize their blog frontend.

Businesses wanted to control their presentation layer while still enjoying Hashnode's unparalleled editing and CMS experience. And Headless Hashnode solved exactly that!

MindsDB team see the greatest benefits in the WYSIWYG markdown editor, real-time collaborative editing and the effortless deployment of front-end design. Before opting for Headless Hashnode ,they struggled with inconvenient content editors and complex front-end updates.

Want to bring MindsDB's success to your blogs? Give Headless Hashnode a try or get in touch with our team.

“Hashnode Headless has significantly enhanced the content-related processes for our team. Their intuitive editor has made managing and editing content simple and convenient. And, with the starter-kit repository, we can customize the design of our blog website. Moreover, deploying front-end changes is seamless, and content updates are instantly live. Hashnode Headless has truly streamlined our workflows in this area.”

Martyna Slawinska

Software engineer and technical writer at MindsDB

Martyna Slawinska

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