As a developer, do you manage your own web server
Someone else manage it for me
I use a managed setup (GUI interface)
I manage myself, but don't like to
I'm happy to mange my own
28 votes · Closed
We all use them, whether it's AWS, DigitalOcean, Linode or maybe something else? The VPS'. As the term of a webhost has been greatly deprecated in the past and it's now either a hosted application for website development or a VPS.
I always had curiosity for how things work, so I manage my infrastructure from A to Z, but I'm wondering how many else does that? Or at least how many wants to.
What are your reasons for doing so? Maybe you prefer to have a touch on any detail or maybe there aren't good alternative options.
Please feel free to add details about which software you use and why you voted as you did :-)