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Dennis Wanjiku's photo

I am a data engineer based in Kenya. I'm passionate about empowering people through knowledge sharing.

3 Following
Nairobi, KE
Member Since Feb, 2023

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About Me

I'm a passionate technology expert with a keen eye for innovation and digital trends. With years of experience in the field, I'm always on the lookout for the latest breakthroughs and advancements that can help drive business growth and transform industries. From big data analytics to artificial intelligence, I have a deep understanding of cutting-edge technologies and how they can be leveraged to solve complex problems and create meaningful change. With a strong focus on creativity, collaboration, and excellence, I'm dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what's possible and making a positive impact on the world through technology.

My Tech Stack

PythonAWSapache-airflowPostgreSQLpandasMySQLMongoDBShow all

I am available for

Remote jobs, gigs and socializing

Recent Activity

Apr 27 2023

Wrote an article