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Courtney Holmes's photo


Member Since Jan, 2023

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Courtney Holmes - Expert Homework Solver

Courtney Holmes - Expert Homework Solver

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About Me

My name is Courtney Holmes and I am a recent college graduate looking to further my education and career goals. As a person, I am driven, ambitious, and passionate about achieving my goals. Throughout my academic career, I have been successful in finding new ways to learn and grow, both academically and personally. I believe that education is the key to success and that knowledge is the foundation for a successful life.

I am particularly interested in pursuing a degree in business management as it has always been my passion to lead and manage people from all walks of life. I have always been motivated by working with others to achieve a common goal, to make an impact on society.I have always had a passion for working hard and achieving greatness. I find myself striving to live up to my potential and continuously expanding my horizons.

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Recent Activity

Jan 31 2023

Wrote an article