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Dev Leader's photo

Bridging the gap between development and leadership roles

18 Followers2 Following
Seattle, Washington
Member Since Jan, 2023

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Dev Leader

Dev Leader

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About Me

I'm a software engineering professional with over a decade of hands-on experience creating software and managing engineering teams. I graduated from the University of Waterloo in Honours Computer Engineering in 2012.

I started blogging at in order to share my experiences about leadership, managing engineers, and 20+ years of programming.

I'm the author of Dev Leader Weekly, which you can find here:

And I create YouTube videos here:

My Tech Stack

c#dotnetdotnetcorevisual studiounityUnity EngineUnity3DShow all

I am available for

- Collaboration on articles - Collaboration on newsletters - Podcast guest speaker - Sponsorship opportunities

Recent Activity

May 20

Wrote an article