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Jarkko Saltiola's photo


Helsinki, Finland
Member Since Dec, 2023

About Me

Working mostly with WordPress/PHP for bringing food to table since 2016- while enjoying more "hip" tools like Python and Clojure as hobby and as something to work more with in the future.

Broad understanding of WordPress/WooCommerce plugin ecosystem capabilities, running large web stores and implementing and integrating with various brick & mortar operations (POS, stock management etc.).

Providing livestreaming and video production services on side and sometimes web design for rare select customers that provide innovative services.

Often seeing myself as 50% engineer and 50% artist, deep into coding, AV technology and music production. Learning business side of building and selling products and services.

B.S. (IT), University of Jyväskylä 2015.

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Recent Activity

Dec 9 2023
