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5 Tips to Buy Stock In Insurance Companies For  Wealth Generation

5 Tips to Buy Stock In Insurance Companies For Wealth Generation

Parth Bari's photo
Parth Bari
·Jun 26, 2022·

5 min read

When it comes to financial literacy, the entire scenario looks bleak. According to a study, only 1 in 3 people is financially literate. This is why many people invest their life savings in stocks that don’t perform, leaving a dent in the market trust. Moreover, the market has recently been volatile for several reasons, and we have witnessed a massive washout of market capital.

So, is there a way to invest in the volatile market for higher gains?

The answer is insurance stocks!

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You may think that insurance companies are loss-making businesses, and investing in them can be a difficult decision. However, if you look at the facts, the decision becomes easy. After a slow down in 2020, insurance companies were back on track with higher premium revenue in 2021.

Higher premiums mean better performance for any insurance company. However, one might still doubt whether these companies are worth investing in? Well, here we are with all the answers you need about buying stocks of insurance companies.

Investment research

Whether you are a fan of Youtubers who boast about their investment ideas or take a crash course in stock investing, research is always the first lesson. Investment is not a bet; it is about the right time to invest.

The research will help you understand the right time to invest. Some tools allow you to answer- “When to buy stocks?” Apart from such tools, you also need to understand the company's financial health, which is where research comes in handy.

Here are a few essential tips to follow for your market research,

  • Stock research materials- Review the company’s financials through balance sheets, overall performance, net profit, and more. For example, in the US, a company must file specific documents in Securities and Exchange Commission that you can review. In addition, a form 10-K will provide insights into annual reports, including independently audited financial statements.

  • Focus on a few good numbers- A financial statement can include several vital numbers, which can be overwhelming. So, pick a specific number you need to focus on for tracking Insurance stocks. For example, you can focus on the premium aggregation by an insurance company during a particular period or the total number of policies registered.

  • Quality research lets you understand the critical aspect of a company’s financial standing in the long haul. Identify the sustainability of any insurance company through product reviews, market sentiments, and more.

Demystify the life insurance stocks

Buying life insurance and purchasing stock in a company that offers such products are entirely different. For example, you can perform an insurance review to decide whether a policy fits you. However, when it comes to investing, you need to consider multiple factors, which include,

  • Whether the life insurance products are feasible
  • Are they cash-trapped schemes that are not viable?
  • Do insurance companies have high premium life insurance?
  • How many claims are pending, and what is their total amount?

If an insurance company has funds less than what it will need to meet the claims, you must stay away from such companies. However, your goal is one of the most significant factors affecting your investment.

Investment goals

Investment goals are one of the most important aspects of any decision you make to buy stocks. For example, a report suggests that 69% of households have less than $1000 savings for emergency funds. So, buying stock is the last resort if you want to save for your emergency fund. The reason is simple, buying stocks can be risky even if you have researched it well enough.

So, it is vital to understand your current financial health, investment goals, and market sentiment before making a decision. This is a best practice that you can use for buying stocks in insurance companies and any other company in the market.

If you are unsure what investment goals to have, here is a SMART goal theory. Coined first by George T. Doran, a consultant and former Director of Corporate Planning for Washington Water Power Company, it is a great way to define goals. It is an objective-based theory where you can define the goals on specific things like savings, monetary gains, achieving financial freedom, etc.

Baby-step in investments

The insurance sector is a multi-million dollar industry. However, 2020 was a year when US insurance companies saw a massive decline in their stock value. Nevertheless, there has been a surge in 2021, leading to 2022, providing a much-needed boost to insurance companies.

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Insurance companies have earned more than $787.8 billion in the three years. It indicates rapid growth despite a slight decline in the recent past. However, there is no denying the volatility of insurance company stocks when global markets are unstable. So, what is the way out?

The best way to deal with such hostility in markets is to take baby steps in investments. Buy insurance stocks in small chunks and ensure stable growth through small investments. It will minimize the risk and help you grow your wealth. Of course, you also need to invest for a more extended period for maximum gains.

Lastly, you need to know the company's background before investing.

BTS of insurance companies

Do you commit your life to a total stranger? No, at least a little thought process behind such a life-changing decision. The same goes for insurance company stocks. If you don’t look closely at the company’s background, it can harm your stock buying decisions. For example, some companies with LLC status are an excellent choice for stock buying as they must file all the financial aspects to the IRS in the USA.


When it comes to insurance stocks, you need to research hard, consider your goals and decide whether to buy a stock or not. However, there are no sure-shot tips for investing in any stock. Everything boils down to research, market trends, and investor sentiment. So, start researching the market and have an advantage by investing in the right insurance stocks.