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7 Habits of Highly Focused Developers

7 Habits of Highly Focused Developers

romeo adjam's photo
romeo adjam
·Feb 17, 2021·

6 min read

Everybody knows that there will always be situations where we just cannot stay still and focused. The tendency for our mind to flee from mental pain and fly toward mental pleasure is the source of habitual lack of focus which can break or make someone’s career. One group of professionals who need to consistently increase their ability to focus in order to enjoy a successful career are software developers. Improving one’s mental focus takes time and patience, however an increasing number of highly focused software developers figured out how to attain such focus through the following 7 habits.

Habit 1 : They understand where to focus their mental effort

Highly focused software developers remind themselves why their dreams of becoming a developer and their career are so important to them. They review with clarity the steps that they need in order to reach the next level in their career. This help them understand what they are losing or gaining from distractions . Knowing and understanding this process help them stay focused on tasks which fulfill their dreams and enhance their career.

Habit 2 : They keep away from social media

Highly focused software developers may or may not be heavy user of social media, but they all agree that social media is a focus killer since it makes completing important tasks exceedingly difficult. They know that the urge to check what could be trending/viral or what connections/friends are sharing is purely a mental pleasure. They will often log out from your social media apps or have limited access to them a specific time of the day to ensure that they are completing tasks which enhance their career.

Habit 3 : They make a conscious decision to improve their focus

Highly focused software developers understand too well that lack of focus is a weakness and they intentionally fight it. They will often fight distractions with coding block using the pomodoro technique and invest more time and energy in activities such as coding, learning, teaching or collaborating. They are expert on training their minds to say no to things that they should not be doing. Fighting distractions is not easy, but by intentionally making the decision to improve their focus, these developers more than often enhance their career.

Habit 4 : They limit their focus time to a specific task

Highly focused software developers avoid having too many tasks to focus on at the same time. They usually focus on one task and finish it before they move on to the next. They understand that multitasking is a myth and a sure way to often fail to finish any of their tasks. This is where their intuition about the outcome of their career kicks in as they know that a day resulting from failed tasks or tasks completed with a limited focus, can steer their career to the wrong way.

Habit 5 : They take a break to think

Highly focused software developers know that the brain usually depletes all its energy from an intense period of focus and it usually affects their thinking. Mental fatigue result from not having enough breaks in between pomodoro blocks . Most highly unfocused software developers consider working for hours without taking a break a behavior to admire. Such poor judgement does affect the quality of their work and code or even make them less productive. When mental fatigue strikes, our brain does not function at its full capacity. Highly focused software developers take short breaks and allow the brain to recover in order to stay focused in improving their career.

Habit 6 : They prioritize their mental health

Highly focused software developers usually do not to entertain thoughts, activities, and environments that bring their worth down. They love to radiate confidence and deservedly so, because they may be saving the world with their next solution. They know that it is difficult to concentrate and stay focused when there is so much negativity going on in their heads. They love to do activities around mindfulness such as yoga, meditation or even being active (running, weight training etc..). By prioritization of their mental health they usually improve their career in a good way.

Habit 7 : They improve their workspace and environment

Highly focused software developers know that focusing is nearly impossible when their workspace or environment is not conducive to focused work. For instance, too much background noise, or a messy desk do not make them feel comfortable. A colorful desktop or laptop setup with the proper lighting, the right accessories are few things that help them set the stage for a successful career.