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Boost your Website Speed with 2 Lines of Code

Boost your Website Speed with 2 Lines of Code

Gijo Varghese's photo
Gijo Varghese
·Jan 26, 2019

Consider you're reading a blog post. While reaching the bottom you can see related posts. What if your browser will preload those pages even before you click?

Super fast inner pages, right?

Introducing Quicklink

QuickLink is a tiny JavaScript code that will detect links within the viewport and prefetches URLs to the links.


npm install --save quicklink

import quicklink from "quicklink/dist/quicklink.mjs";

Full api docs

But it will load unnecessary data, will it slow down my user?

Quicklink waits until the browser is idle, checks if the user isn't on a slow connection or has data-saver enabled.

Result? Those URLs will load instantly!

Will it slows down my website?

It's only < 1KB minified/gzipped

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