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Comparison table of 5 datepicker web components

Comparison table of 5 datepicker web components

Binh Bui's photo
Binh Bui
·Jul 6, 2018

I usually tested web components in my free time. This time, I tested some datepicker components and figured out I should make a short comparison table. The comparison includes some features, as well as, indicates which browser they are functioning properly (Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox, Edge, IE11). Mobile testing was performed on iPhone X.

There is also a more detailed blog version of these five datepicker components.

If you like this kind of blog, share or comment so I will make more of those in the future.

nameMobileI18nArrow KeysLibraryWorking
app-datepickerPolymer#1.9 - 2C,S,O,F,E,I