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Developer job in the adult industry = risky for my resume?

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·Oct 25, 2018

I'm considering taking a full-time frontend engineer position in the adult industry. I don't particularly care for the type of materials they produce, but I am interested in learning the cutting-edge media technologies as I've heard that they are always on the top end of the game when it comes to video and 3D media on the web. And, the pay is surprisingly high compared to all the other positions I looked at. I am, however, a little bit concerned about the stigma that might come with this type of industry. Do you think it is worth trying for the sake of gaining first-hand experiences with cutting-edge media technologies and very competitive salary, or do you think it might affect my ability to get a job in other tech jobs that are not in the adult industry in the future?

Update: Mark

I work in the U.S.