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Efficacy and Benefits of Vegetables for Health

Efficacy and Benefits of Vegetables for Health

yulia's photo
·Feb 27, 2022·

1 min read


Consuming vegetables regularly can keep blood sugar under control and can also cure insulin resistance.

Help you to improve eyesight and treat skin problems.

Lose weight quickly and effectively.

It can cool tense muscles and nerves and is good for weight loss.

Spinach is one of the vegetables that are good for increasing iron stores and red blood cells in your body. In addition, the calcium content in it is good for improving bone health (eat well live better).

Prevents blood clots and can reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men.

Broccoli is a type of vegetable that is rich in antioxidants which are good for preventing cell damage due to ultraviolet radiation which can cause cancer.

Benefits of Vegetables for Health

The benefits of vegetables in general are sources of fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are quite good for the body and human health. There are many types of vegetables in Indonesia that are efficacious to improve health and body metabolism. Let's cook at home using vegetables as above because in general the benefits of vegetables are as follows:

Launching BAB Healthy Digestion Source of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients for the body Main source of fiber Prevent cancer Boost the immune system Improves nerve and eye health