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Facial Recognition Image Storing

Casual's photo
·Sep 17, 2016

Hey there, I've been contemplating on working on a facial recognition system using C++ (not hundred percent sure on how I'll actually be going about the detection & comparisons).

I'd like to first work on how I can efficiently store an image to compare with the live feed for facial features. I've done a bit of research and right now I'm split.. some say it's fine to store in a database but may be a bit harder to process and work with, of course the second option being store it on the file system.

I'm going to require a database no matter what to acquire one's personal details (name, job position, access level, perhaps some more). If I were to store on the file system, I'd have to reference it with the person's existing record.

One downside of storing it in the DB, I'd have to properly learn how to manage it without any risks, which will be a hassle..

Would be greatly appreciate if anyone can recommend the pros and cons of both.

Thank you!