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HNGi8 x I4G Internship: My Expectations

Grace Okereke's photo
Grace Okereke
·Aug 15, 2021·

2 min read

This article is about what I hope to achieve in the HNG8 Internship and why I joined the program.

My long-term career goal is to be a world-renowned front-end engineer, and while speaking about this to a close friend, who works as a software engineer and he told me about the HNGi8 x I4G internship and how the program can help me in achieving my long-term career goal.

I decided to visit the official website of the HNGi8 x I4G Internship and got to know more about their visions, goals, aims, and objectives found out that they are inclined to accelerate my overall career growth. The HNGi8 x I4G is a remote internship that enables you to learn and improve your skills, connect with various participants from around the world with diverse skillsets. It is fast-paced, challenging, and helps people learn how to work in teams, deal with pressure and quickly expand their knowledge. Before joining this program, I have had difficulties in connecting with people especially those with the same tech stack as me.

The main objective of the HNGi8 x I4G Internship helps in actualising my career goals and they are also inclined in helping women to bridge the gap in technology. At the end of the program, I hope to be more skilled, a step closer to achieving my long-term career goal, learn new concepts by working on delegated tasks and connecting with beautiful minds across various stacks in the industry. It has been up to a week since I joined the program and I have learned a lot already, I also have been able to connect with two beautiful minds that have given me more depth to certain aspects of my tech stack.

I have also been able to benefit from the resources channel, where you get to read up articles on complex topics to gain more depth.

The links below are some of the useful materials I used when starting as a frontend developer and they have been of great help.

HTML & CSS Crash Course Tutorial by The Net Ninja

CSS Grid Layout Crash Course by Brad Traversy Media

JavaScript Programming - Full Course by Freecodecamp

Git & GitHub Crash Course For Beginners by Traversy Media

The Figma 2021 Crash Course by Example by DesignCourse

From design to code - HTML & CSS tutorial by Kevin Powell