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How do you handle your mail server?

Ryosuke's photo
·Nov 23, 2017

Self hosted


3rd party services


12 votes · Closed

I was thinking of breaking up a project across cloud servers, and I thought to myself -- how do you handle a mail server with a cloud hosted MEAN stack?

I currently use an Apache VPS with CPanel and all that lovely safety net installed, and I was wondering how the Nginx and other folk setup their mail.

After a little research, I found this article titled "Why you may not want to run your own mail server", and it made it incredibly enticing to switch to a 3rd party solution like the G Suite. I'm tired of poor spam filters, email blacklists, and some of the issues encountered with self-hosted SMTP.

Do you self-host your mail server or let a company like Google handle it? And if you self-host, how do you combat issues like the mentioned (spam, blacklists, etc)?