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How I became a php developer

How I became a php developer

Godspower Jackson's photo
Godspower Jackson
·Mar 1, 2020

I came across some lines of code in January 2018 and I was so amazed but then I was undergoing my computer basics training in Cedars prohub and the time for the classes differs. In other for me to know more about the lines of code I needed to complete my computer basics first, because I need the basic of computer to know how to use the pc and other softwares.

I finally applied for a web development course for three months at cedars prohub, there I started learning HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript but I didn't take the JavaScript class serious because I wasn't understanding it, during the training I work on mini-projects like a blog site, school and church site I never hosted on line but building the site was fun and my enthusiast for programming increase I wanted to learn more languages, I was happy when I heard that the hub(Cedars prohub) is now teaching back-end languages like PHP and Python I quickly applied for PHP and the classes was fun cause I now code PHP languages using procedural method, I was then called to be a part of a team in the hub that build live project that runs on the web , I must say that am so happy to be a php programmer and I also touch a little bit of Python for web and for desktop app but if am to choose a language I will choose php.