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How I made my first website

This is How I -Husain Jeevanjee- Made my very first website

Husain Jeevanjee's photo
Husain Jeevanjee
·Sep 15, 2021·

2 min read

How I made my first website

It was a boring evening; after school and I thought "I want to make a website!", and that was the thought that started it all.

"The Creation Of The Site!" I shouted and spent almost 2 hours watching YouTube and Vimeo videos and a little bit of TikTok here and there; the point is I had no clue where to start and where to stop! I was lost... no idea what to do... until I remembered my ultimate strategy pressing random buttons... I remembered this quote:

Believe in yourself, listen to your gut, and do what you love. - Dylan Lauren

I started it!

Initially I wanted to make a website about gaming so I could share my experience with some games example Fortnite, Minecraft and Roblox, it was a bit boring and I knew my audience wouldn't enjoy that as there were so many YouTube videos on that already. So I went to google (before this thought in the above sentence) hosted my first website it was called "" but after an era of thought I told myself I wanted to make my site unique that people would enjoy and I thought what is more interesting than a blog! So I made a new website known as "" which was initially a whole different concept and that concept lasted Online for 2 months and then I went and started back on it; I completely reset the website and started from 'scratch' .

I started to add the background, the text, the colour and the design this was all from memory as I knew what to do. I am planning to make this a general blog site where I can post about 'general things' like gaming or even about me!

So this is the:

  1. How
  2. The Inspiration
  3. The Start to current

The point of this blog post was to point out that nothing is impossible if you have the right mind-set and Always Follow Your Gut!.

Until the next post...
