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Introduction to Fundraising by Tom Wolf

The Seven Myths of Fundraising.

Nash The Coder's photo
Nash The Coder
·Nov 6, 2021·

2 min read

Introduction to Fundraising by Tom Wolf

Photo by "My Life Through A Lens" on Unsplash

I took this course PHILANTHROPYU Introduction to Fundraising Course and I made these notes. As a Developer these tips are useful when looking for support for your Tech Startup. I am on a quest to digitise my notes from all my note books and this is the first of a number to posts.

What is fundraising? The process of soliciting support for a cause.

How to prepare to tell your story

  1. Be clear about your cause?
  2. What problem are you trying to address
  3. Who are you serving
  4. Why is it important

MYTH 1: Fundraising is only about cash.

  • Consider time, food, space (in kind donation) etc as well as cash - only valuable if you can use them.

MYTH 2: Raising money is all about knowing rich people.

  • Friends , family, supporters and fans can be your funders. The can also help you to spread your word. The pebble in the pond philosophy.

MYTH 3: One person gives and the other receives.

  • Each gives the other - it is a partnership offer so be clear about what you are giving. Think Sale and purchase or Funding and Opportunity

MYTH 4: You should always tell the donor as much as possible

  • Link the donor interest to your ask. Find a point of connection from the donor perspective.

MYTH 5: When making your case, only statistics and fact matter.

  • Use stories success, challenges and beneficiaries to show outcome and impact to the donors.

MYTH 6: A great fundraiser is an individual superstar and works alone.

  • Fundraising is a team sport.

MYTH 7: The internet has completely changed how we do fundraising.

  • People still need to be engaged and convinced.
  • Find them and get them interested.