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JavaScript Filter Method Explained

JavaScript Filter Method Explained

Kaarthik Sekar's photo
Kaarthik Sekar
·Jul 16, 2021·

2 min read

Array Filter Method:

This method just return a new array with items based on the conditions included in callback function. This callback function accepts one parameter ie: each item in array and returns boolean based on the condition. Here is a simple data ,

const friends = [
        name: 'Peter Parker',
        gender: 'male',
        age: 34,
        name: 'Kyle Simpson',
        gender: 'male',
        age: 32,
        name: 'Sara Williams',
        gender: 'female',
        age: 27,
        name: 'Annie Matthew ',
        gender: 'female',
        age: 35,
        name: 'Robert ',
        gender: 'male',
        age: 25,

Now let's say we want to filter this array based on the condition age < 35

So, the entire filter would look like this.

const lessThanThirtyFive = friends.filter((friends)=>{
    return friends.age < 35;


This will return a new array based on the condition friends.age > 35

  { name: 'Peter Parker', gender: 'male', age: 34 },
  { name: 'Kyle Simpson', gender: 'male', age: 32 },
  { name: 'Sara Williams', gender: 'female', age: 27 },
  { name: 'Robert ', gender: 'male', age: 25 }


You can use the filter() array method to create a new array from the contents of an existing array. The clue is in the name with the filter() method. filter() filters out elements from an existing array.

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