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Linux Distributions

Photo by Gabriel Heinzer on Unsplash

Linux Distributions

Srinivas Mekala's photo
Srinivas Mekala
·Jan 20, 2022·

1 min read

Well, I started learning Linux and felt like documenting my learnings somewhere!😉

Linux is an open-source Operating System that has a large number of contributors all around the world. It started with a personal project of one student (Linus Torvalds) and expanded into the most widely used OS in the world. You know something, we use Linux every day in our life and never noticed it. Any guesses! Android, yeah the OS which runs our favorite devices is built above the Linux kernel .

Linux has different flavors and they are called as distribution families or distros. The three major Linux distribution families:

  1. RHEL - Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
  2. Debian
  3. SUSE

These all families use Linux as the kernel but the applications, package managers, graphical interfaces are different.

There are various distros under these three major families.

  • RHEL provides some distributions like Centos, Fedora, Oracle Linux.

  • Debian has Ubuntu, Linux Mint.

  • SUSE family has SLES(SUSE Linux Enterprise Server), OpenSUSE operating system.

According the survey, the most used Operating systems are Centos, Ubuntu, Fedora.

  • Ubuntu and Centos is loved by the developers and students.

  • Fedora is widely used in big companies for running servers and for large databases.

Well, I use Ubuntu personally. I like the GUI of Ubuntu.