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My tagline - Time to become the White Tiger

Kushal Gupta's photo
Kushal Gupta
·Jan 25, 2021·

2 min read

Hello World !!! As a developer, we often used this greeting when we start learning any new technology and announce the world that - "Hello world", here we come to crack the new technology .

But why today? I am not starting with any new technology. But today, I decided to become the White Tiger - This mutation is so rare that it is estimated that only one in every 10,000 tigers born in the wild is white. I want break my introvert thoughts to join the community and the share know

I have planned to write blogs and share knowledge on all the technologies I have learned. I will start with Javascript Concept and below shows my learning and sharing road map of 2021.

Road Map :

JavaScript -> CSS framework (Tailwind) -> Java 7/8 -> GraphQL ->Microservices -> cloud deployment

Let's connect and share the knowledge with each other.