Need explanation on Shift & Bitwise operators
Hi all, Sorry if this sounds so noob, but I never worked in shift or bitwise operators in my code, like ever. But I do understand basic stuff about them.
So recently I had stumbled upon a code, which will get all shift timing from user, and arrange them nicely for displaying. So what I would like to know is, how these particular code blocks work. (Marked with "This Code"). After looking at this, I checked out Calendar class in java, and even they used it in many places. Now I am curious to understand and learn more about this!
int[] hours = new int[7];
static final String[] namesOfDays = {"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"};
public void addNewShift(final int startTime, final int endTime, int[] days) {
for (int i = startTime; i <= endTime; i++) {
This code=> for (int d : days) hours[d] |= (1 << i);
public void displayHours() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String prevDay = getDayForInt(hours[0]);
String startDay = namesOfDays[0];
String endDay = namesOfDays[0];
for (int i = 1; i < hours.length; i++) {
final String day = getDayForInt(hours[i]);
if (day.equals(prevDay)) endDay = namesOfDays[i];
else {
appendDayString(sb, startDay, endDay, prevDay);
prevDay = day;
startDay = endDay = namesOfDays[i];
appendDayString(sb, startDay, endDay, prevDay);
String getDay(final int shiftVal) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int startHour = -1, endHour = -1;
for (int i = 0; i <= 24; i++) {
This code=> if (((1 << i) & shiftVal) > 0) {
if (startHour == -1) startHour = i;
endHour = i;
} else if (startHour >= 0) {
sb.append("\t" + hourFormat(startHour) + " to " + hourFormat(endHour) + "\n");
startHour = endHour = -1;
if (startHour >= 0) sb.append("\t" + hourFormat(startHour) + " to " + hourFormat(endHour) + "\n");
return sb.toString();
The higlighted part is what's bugging me. It would be of great help if you guys can explain this to me, so I guess I can use them in some other cases!
Gist of the complete code :