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Narasimhulu Vasam's photo
Narasimhulu Vasam
·Aug 28, 2021·

1 min read

About Node.js

Node.js is an open-source server Environment, class platform in javascript, and runtime environment in javascript. Node.js is not a language. It's a package and allows developers to create server-side tools and applications. Node js is Asynchronous Programming and it's performed like an Asynchronous by default. By using Node js can create dynamic page content.

Node js is a packaged completion of the Google v8 javascript engine.

Node js can run in various platforms(windows,linux,unix,mac,os and etc)

os.freemem() -> it will give an answer, free space of memory in bytes in our pc. process.version -> it will give an answer, which version we are using the node os.cpus().length -> it will give an answer, how many cpus having our pc.

What is server

The server is basically a computer. that provides the data or resources to another computer. that would be local computers or remote computers. that is called server.**