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NodeJS - How do make sure your app is performant?

Filipe Picoito's photo
Filipe Picoito
·Sep 28, 2017

Hello guys,

Lately I've been trying to understand how to make performant nodejs APIs and to better understand memory usage I turned my attention to pm2.

The problem that I am having is that I don't know how I can be sure that my application is within good levels of performance, so that I know I'm not making dumb mistakes in my code which can cause huge issues.

For now what I've gathered is that with node 8.2.1 I get between 70 and 80 memory usage.

Edit: For example in my case if I remove import 'babel-polyfill' it will give me back about 10mb, and that is a huge difference. Using pm2 I was able to comment some code out (mainly imports) and it gave me a bigger perception of what the problem was. Another problem was that I was using node-schedule and that was my biggest problem, taking about 40mb.

The boilerplate I use is It's my own version of this one

Whatever information you can share with me as to how become better would be greatly appreciated.