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Overthinking Young Adults..

Overthinking Young Adults..

Arpita verma's photo
Arpita verma
·Jul 15, 2021·

2 min read

Have you ever wondered why people leave?

I just don't know why but I make connections too fast. I don't want to be a people pleaser and I think I try not to be. I meet new people, I make new friends. And trust me when I say friends I mean it. If they would need me I'll be there for them. I trust people too soon. But somewhere in my subconscious mind, I am aware of the fact that they will leave. For a person like me, who gives 100% in any relation, it will be sad. Because an overthinker will keep on processing all the information he/she has to reach a conclusion why this all happened?

I have had so many people in my life who used to call me only when they needed some help. And then after that, they would become all hostile as if they don't know who I am. Just ask yourself one simple question. Are they worthy of your precious time? Make yourself respectable. Stay away from these toxic people who are not going to benefit you in any way. I am not going to quote some famous sayings here but one quote which is always on my mind and which I am still trying to follow is: "Self-care isn't SELFISH". For whomsoever you are crying right now, thinking why that person left, just remember if they had to stay they would have stayed. If they go just let them.


Your 20's is all about exploring, building connections, failures, depression, anxieties, and then ultimately success. I think what people crave nowadays are self-confidence and assurance. They need a person who can make them believe that they can do whatever they dream of. Find yourself the right mentor. Talk to yourself. Tell yourself about all the goals that you wish to achieve. Don't fall into the trap of some shitty relationship trying to harm your mental peace. Help people follow their goals, be there for others, but most importantly, set boundaries. This is one thing that young adults nowadays lack. In conclusion, I would like to say:

"Set goals, explore yourself, dream-like crazy, go get there and make it yours."

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