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The Journey: The First Step

akinlade ayomide's photo
akinlade ayomide
·May 28, 2021·

1 min read

I want to understand the world, i believe that if i can program i can better understand the world of today. So i signed up on freecodecamp and started with Responsive Web Design, so basic HTML, learnt about the anchors, tags, elements, it was fun. HTML filled me with the courage that i could take any programming language on, that i could go "Plus Ultra". Then i moved on to Css ,which is styling . Enjoyed it learnt about choosing fonts, colors, font weight and animations. Animations took some time and I'm still not fully confident in my knowledge, still trying to tackling @keyframes and animation iteration duration. I was not fazed by that speed bump so i dived head straight in to basic javascript and i must say not feeling "Plus Ultra" anymore. I have to take my time to understand and grasp every bit of knowledge. I am stilled charged up for my mission to better understand the world through programming, more updates as i progress