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The Symbol For Goodbye

Kali's photo
·Apr 6, 2022·

2 min read

The Universe is big enough to seem random. Even the forms that meet the senses become damaged. The Stars are mirrors of what we think and feel. Our desires move us towards illusory things.

Commitments around my finger continue to tighten. I'm powerless against striving to expand my horizons. Experience something that robs you of your sanity. You won't listen to the insane until initiated.

We wake to nature when we break against judgments. No darkness exists when an object casts no shadow. See the fragmented mind with the help of The Mind. Not by the knower of what is already defined!

Seek the whole knowledge, not a slither. It's a puzzle of cuts seamlessly put together. We play within a slice of a splintered mind. And it's what we think of for the rest of our lives.

Don't overvalue mad concepts in a bazaar of junk. I am nothing but a loop of nothing that continually runs. All don't see the objects the same through the lens. We are programs that repeat to a predictable end.

We suffer attachments that go against togetherness. The ride never ends until you finally let go of things. Don't deal with why’s; feel what is and act. All are joined, even when the earth has cracked.

There’s no need to be with you when there's only one. Humans could speak in pictures again, not in tongues. The Ancients knew that words were worthless. They understood symbols would stand for eons.

Symbols carry meaning; words produce sounds. No language is needed by symbols, just eyes. How did The Universe appear, is the question? We are dust particles floating as burning ashes.

I am nature's thoughts given to me by the cosmos. And sometimes, they reflect the beliefs of others. A mirror laughs at what's yet to be true. It exists exclusively for those admiring the view.

Peace is a magic circle that’s drawn before the ritual. We appear separate from the elements while individuals. The Mind holding two opposing ideas opens The Third Eye. There’s no Matter, only an abundance of energy in the Light.

Wave particles are things beyond what the mind can phantom. Some mysteries exist behind mania solely to be discovered. Digital information is all that's left of a psychic expansion. Nothing goes beyond the decision to start a contraction