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There is still one way to reach crypto adoption faster

There is still one way to reach crypto adoption faster

jobUnicorn's photo
·Sep 6, 2021·

2 min read

In the past, when new currencies were introduced, the supply of the currency was lead by the government. The government would print the currency and pay it out to corporations for working their tenders. This was a very centralized and autocratic process. It removes the access and control of the people from the currency. In this movement of money between the corporations and the government, large changes to the monetary value of the currency occurred.

After half a century, banks came into being. The government now gave the money to banks. And the banks further controlled circulation. Banks, as we know, enjoy having blood in their juices during breakfast. They have continued to exploit the citizens ever since the time they existed. They'll do any crazy thing as long as they profit from it. They betray the government, they betray the people, they betray their own employees. They don't care about the economy.

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With cryptocurrency, the beautiful world of decentralized finance is here. The people can finally have a control over their currency. In all the above methods of currency circulation, we have been a part of the 2nd transaction (considering the most optimistic scenario). We need to be included in the 1st now. The best way to do this is simple. Companies should start paying their employees in cryptocurrency. This would infuse the currency into the economy.

We all know the benefits of cryptocurrency. It talks to the digital future. It allows ease of transaction. It will be easy on your taxes. It is a global currency, hence turmoil in one country would not affect and it can remain stable through out. Yes, it can remain stable. The only reason behind its volatility is exploitation. Greedy investors are manipulating its prices in order to earn a profit. Once a cryptocurrency is pushed into use and adoption, its exploitation as a non-currency investment asset will stop.

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How will this happen ? Salaries. When the currency is put into the hands of the people, shops would start accepting it in order to clear their shelves. That is how the demand would be created. Companies would soon have to accept cryptocurrency for their sales so that they can pay their employees. That's it. Before you know it, crypto will start circulating just like any other currency and the whole monetary system will become decentralized.

Start asking your employers to pay you in crypto and your life would become easier than ever. You will start feeling more independent as your money is no more affected by big banks and old fighting governments.

Cover Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash