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Things You Need To Know On How to Increase Immunity Home Remedies

Things You Need To Know On How to Increase Immunity Home Remedies

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Indian Parenting Blog
·Jan 11, 2022·

3 min read

Our immune system helps to safeguard our bodies from harmful bacteria, toxins, dangerous pathogens, and viruses. However, our immune system may become weak due to various factors such as UV radiations, insufficient sleep, and blood transfusion, exposure to chemical substances, surgery, athletic overtraining, as well as viral infection. Amongst the typical symptoms of a weak immune system mention may be made of constant fatigue, recurring infections, lethargy, depressive disorders, exhaustion, frequent diarrhea, lack of sleep, stress, and anxiety, and dark circles around the eyes.

However, the good thing is that there are certain home remedies for a weak immune system that can become quite effective in the long run. In this article, we have mentioned how to increase immunity home remedies which you will find to be useful.

1. Consume a healthy diet

It is a fact that a healthy and balanced diet is essential for developing a strong immune system. This implies that you need to eat lots of fresh veggies, legumes, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean protein. Apart from providing your immune system with the much-needed energy, a healthy and balanced diet will help to make sure that you receive adequate amounts of essential micronutrients required for maintaining a strong immune system. These consist of the following:

• Vitamin C – it is present in citrus fruits such as strawberries and oranges, as well as broccoli, tomatoes, and spinach.

• Vitamin B6 – It is present in salmon, chicken, bananas, tuna, potatoes, and green veggies.

• Vitamin E – It is present in sunflower, almonds, and safflower oil, peanut butter, sunflower seeds, and spinach.

2. Get sufficient slumber

There is no doubt about the fact that immunity and sleep are closely related. In case you are thinking of how to increase immunity home remedies, then getting adequate slumber will be one of them. Poor quality or insufficient slumber can lead to some conditions that can make our lives quite miserable. A study revealed the fact that out of 164 adults, those sleeping less than 6 hours every night were more susceptible to catching a cold as compared to all those who slept for more than 6 hours every night. Sufficient slumber will aid in strengthening your immune system to a great extent. Furthermore, it will be advisable to sleep more when you are sick since it will help your immune system combat the illness better.

3. Get some sunlight

It will be feasible for your body to produce vitamin D in a natural way by exposing yourself to sunlight for some time. Vitamin D is responsible for aiding our immune systems to produce antibodies. On the contrary, low vitamin D levels can result in a greater risk of respiratory infection.

4. Exercise on a regular basis

One of the best tips to boost immunity will be to perform workouts regularly. Apart from helping you to get rid of stress and build muscles, exercise is also accountable for developing a strong and effective immune system. It can do this by boosting the overall circulation making it simpler for immune cells to travel throughout your system more easily. It will be advisable for you to do moderate workouts for at least 30 minutes every day for boosting your immune system.