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Tutorial hell and impostor syndrome

Tutorial hell and impostor syndrome

describing my feelings as a newbie developer

Kiran Rai's photo
Kiran Rai
·Jun 4, 2021·

2 min read

Hello everyone this is my first blog in this platform, allow me to give a brief introduction of myself, I am a student of pursuing my computer and science engineering degree. I belong to a very small village situated at Assam. before entering to college I had zero knowledge about technologies and coding stuffs, I just took engineering because I thought engineering is the ultimate solution of every middle class family's problem. But when I met people at my college and get expose to various fields and scope of cse it was really amazing.

I am currently in my third year of engineering but due to coming from a non-tech background and getting very late introduce with technologies I always feel less than others, a kind of inferiority comes to my mind, many times I feel to quit. other students of my class are doing great in various fields such as video editing, app development, public speaking and many others so when I look to myself, I really feel like dumb. a severe kind of pain comes into my heart, it is not because they are doing great, it is because why I am not able to do that. when I google it ,what term we can give to this kind of feeling than I found impostor syndrome, it is a kind of feeling of uselessness and separated form a group. This feeling is natural, it took me very long time to realize but I have to say that during this period just focus on what you are doing and don't compare yourself with others because everybody is unique and everybody have unique quality, and always remember that you cannot master a skill overnight, good things always takes time. The person in your class who is great at video editing, may be he have given many years learning it, so be patient and consistent .

The other important thing to be kept in mind while learning any new skill is how to come out or escape from the tutorial hell. It is a kind of feeling you feel when you watch or read too many tutorials but cannot execute or apply it to build some real world projects. The most important point to keep yourself away form tutorial hell is to learn and make project side by side, this practice will help you to apply your knowledge that you gain from tutorials and second most important point is to don't put too much expectation while learning a new skill, you cannot build an app in your second day of learning, learn to be patience and consistent to your work and you can easily build it within months.