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Web 2.0, Web 3.0, What Really Is The Difference?

Samuel Nwanwobi's photo
Samuel Nwanwobi
·Mar 8, 2022·

2 min read

Since the creation of the internet in 1983, the manner in which people interact with the internet has changed drastically. The World Wide Web was built so as to seamlessly interact with the internet and the first version was the Web 1 (1991-2004). Web 1 gave us a very limited user interaction using static pages. With computer programs. In 2004, the evolution of Web2 started, which promised a more user-friendly and faster experience. And over the years, Web2 has both thrived and evolved in more ways than we imagined when it first came into existence. Despite the improvements and advancements in Web2, there were some issues that needed fixing such as decentralization, speed, and security. This gave rise to Web3. The potential of Web3 is so expansive that in the next 3-5 years we would only be scratching the surface.

Some differences between Web2 and Web3 includes • Centralization: Whereas Web2 has a centralized design in which ecosystems were developed and owned by one entity, Web3 design is in such a way that users become more involved in the development and ownership of ecosystems. This is called Decentralized Web. Web3 makes use of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) in which token owners will decide on essential changes and developments, as a collective. • Personalization: The internet experience of Web3 would be more customized to the user – more efficient search, relevant marketing, better communication and increased information link than Web2.
• Security: Due to the fact that Web3 is decentralized, it would be difficult and nearly impossible to hack into because one would have to gain access to all the users owning such software. This is a massive improvement to what we had in Web2. • Permissionless: Web3 provides a more democratic system in that there are no restrictions on who can be part of a network. Neither users nor suppliers will require authorization from a governing body to participate unlike we have Web2. • Digital Identity: In contrast to Web2, every user will have their own digital identity.

This is just to name a few of the overwhelming benefits of Web3 over Web2. Web3 is the future and everyone stands to gain something.