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Web2.0 VS Web3.0

Web2.0 VS Web3.0

Major Difference Between Web2.0 and Web3.0

Adedeji's photo
·Mar 1, 2022·

2 min read

What is Web2.0?

Web2 is a term coined by Darcy DiNucci in 1999 and gain limelight during the web2.0 conference in 2004. Web2.0 is the internet of today - less static, more dynamic. The technology behind web2 enables user to interact, collaborate with each other. Unlike web1.0 where users can only view informations, in web3, users can share informations, opinions, thoughts and perspective.

What is Web3.0?

Web3 is a term coined in 2014 by Ethereum Co-founder Gavin Wood, it refers to the next version of the internet which is focusing on decentralization and ownership. In web3, users will be able to participate In the creation, operation, and governance of the protocols themselves. Web3 is powered by the Blockchain Technology. The Blockchain Technology is a distributed and decentralized public ledger stored on a network. Ownership can be represented by digital tokens or cryptocurrencies, if a user have enough tokens for a network, that user could have a say in the operation of the network. And that is similar to shares of a company owned by its shareholders.

What is the major difference between web2.0 and web3.0?

In web2.0, there is CENTRALIZATION i.e. The control of all operations, activities etc. is under a single authority. Let me cite an example, Twitter is a web2.0 social media platform and because of that Twitter can censor any account or tweet. In Web2.0, participation in the network is controlled by the central authority.

In web3.0, there is DECENTRALIZATION i.e. The control of the network is shared with the participants of that nework.

The network is made up of the users, by the users, and for the users.

In Web3.0, decentralization reduces the chance of a cyber crash because all data gets distributed across all nodes in the network. It allows users to maintain ownership over their data.


This is the end of the article, With the basic information I provided, you should now have a basic knowledge of what web2.0, web3.0 and their major difference is!

A big shoutout to Blockgames, Nestcoin and the Zuriteam for providing the platform to learn about Blockchain.