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WebAssembly: Google, Microsoft and Mozilla, one team for a new efficient binary format to deliver javascript

Sébastien Portebois's photo
Sébastien Portebois
·Jun 18, 2015

Delivering javascript more efficiently has been a hot topic for a long time.

And we saw different solutions to try to address the problem: Google NativeClient (NaCl), Mozilla asm.js projects might be the most famous ones. (If we omit the huge compiler optimization work in v8, Spidermonkey, Chakra...)

But so far these initiatives stayed in the land of their creators for the most part. What's the support of NaCl outside of Chrome? Or the performance of asmjs compiled code anywhere else than in Firefox?

So I believe this is a big news. The main industry actors are working together on finding the most efficient format to deliver javascript to the user's browser, with members from Google's NaCl team, Mozilla and Emscripten teams, Webkit engineer, and other Microsoft engineers.

Read From asm.js to WebAssembly from Brendan Eich to learn more. Then visit the Github repo

The future predicted by Gary Bernhardth in The Birth and Death of Javascript (super fun talk, a must see!) might come before the huge nuclear meltdown!