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What do you need to know to prepare a testing environment properly

Andrii fedotov's photo
Andrii fedotov
·Sep 18, 2018

Testing is an important element in the development of any technological product. The first testers are often the project team itself, which checks the basic operability of the code and checks the main functions and load.

1. Start testing as early as possible

In the case of REMME, the first test version of the product was the option to launch node locally and access through the REST API. We were on that stage when we presented our solution in the spring on the hackathon . As a result of the first public testing by the participants of the event, we realized that it needs further development, and also saw how third-party developers see the implementation of the technology. We were asked to use the protocol to protect access in mesh networks, to build a hierarchy of access to company’s internal information, for authentication in the platform for websites administration.

2. Divide testing into logical steps

After receiving the initial feedback, we began preparations for public testing of the protocol. To do this, it was necessary to take into account all the weak points in the API, as well as prepare the possibility of connection with the test network of nodes. To do this, we raised the grid of 5 servers, and also wrote two libraries on JS and .NET and made the functionality of releasing test tokens in REMChain.

3. Prepare not only the code, but also the additional infrastructure

An important element of any testing is the auxiliary tools with which you can perform external monitoring of the network. We developed a block explorer and web monitoring for our nodes. Also launched a technical forum in Discord where you can ask all possible questions and get technical support from the team.

4. Documentation - is the key to your solution

We also created a special page with technical documentation, where we presented the solution architecture, information about the Hyperledger Sawtooth development framework, and described the existing functionality and currently available operations within the test network.

5. Start testing from offline, and then go online

Finally, we presented the testnet on the second hackathon, where the teams successfully used our network to create solutions for the implementation of the protocol in the mobile application, for authentication when receiving money from the ATM, and also offered a technical concept on how to include biometric information in our digital certificates.

I invite you to meet the results of our work and share your feedback about our test environment: