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What is my story? – A Short Hashnode intro.

What is my story? – A Short Hashnode intro.

Mike Williams's photo
Mike Williams
·Jan 28, 2020

Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five year mission … Just kidding. Just kidding! Hello fellow developers. I am Mike Williams and this is my first blog post!

I am a full-time software developer for a small marine electronics company. I do most of my coding in C#/.Net platform, most of it has been self-taught. I mostly develop desktop applications that are used to configure company build products via a pc and usb connection.

My coding story began way, way, way, back in 9th grade, getting a Commodore 64 computer for Christmas. After receiving this, I started taking programming classes in high school. In high school, I learned BASIC and COBOL programming languages, both of which I had won a state level computer programming contest.

After a 5 year stint in the Navy, I went back to college and learned some Visual Basic, C++, and PASCAL.

I am always continuing to learn, both syntax, structures, and designing concepts when developing software at my job. I am hopefully looking to get into some side gig as a software or website developer.

Thank you for the time in reading my first blog post. I am hoping to post more as I am learning and working towards my goal.