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What is the right way to use Email Links?

Misael Taveras's photo
Misael Taveras
·May 27, 2016


<a href="">Send Mail</a>

Well, no so fast; a couple days ago I was talking to my project manager about that; she said that this was not user-friendly and lead to unexpected behavior for those don't use Email Clients (e.g: Windows Users will prompt to use Outlook, nobody uses it - that I know -). I told her that since "Internet was born" this is the way we do things and for mobile users, for example, this the best way to access the email. Anyway, she said that is to copy the email address on click event instead of using the mailto: attribute

Now here I'm, asking you guys, what's the best way to use email links in websites? Is it useful to copy the email address? Is it better use mailto:? Or do you have any another idea?